“Catholic education is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ in the lives of others…”
Saint Pope John Paul II

Initial Entrance: General School Requirements Preschool - 8th Grade
- Kindergarten: must be 5 years of age by September 1 in the year of admission. Kindergarten applicants will be screened for readiness using the Developmental Indicators for Assessment of Learning (DIAL).
- First grade: must be 6 years of age by September 1 in the year of admission.
- Grades 1-8: must present standardized test scores and the two most recent yearly report cards.
- If applicable, parents are requested to submit any Individual Education Plan or similar document.
- Baptismal and original county birth certificates must be presented at the time of registration.
Registration Priorities
- Active, registered parishioner families of St. Patrick Parish or St. John Neumann Parish.
- Children of non-parishioner families with students already enrolled in St. Patrick Catholic School.
- Newly registered families in the parish whose children attended parochial school at another location.
- Newly registered families in the parish whose children are transferring from public schools.
- Other families registered in parishes other than St. Patrick or St. John Neumann.
- Families who are not Catholic.
Student Registration
- Current Students: Registration forms are available online on School Speak and in the school office. Registration for current families will begin on January 15. Completed registrations, accompanied by the registration fee must be returned to the school office by February 15. A student is not considered enrolled until registration documents are received. Open enrollment will begin on February 16.
- New students: Application forms for grades 1-8 are available in the school office beginning February 16. Kindergarten applications for new families will be first available at scheduled open house events and thereafter in the school office. Applications from new families will be processed beginning February 16.
- Criteria for new students: Applications for new families will be considered if there are openings in the grade(s) sought. When classes are filled, remaining families will be placed on a waiting list and notified by the school office. Placement on the waiting list is determined by the already-established criteria considerations.
- Conditional Admission: Each new student is admitted conditionally for the first school year to prove him/herself academically, behaviorally, and socially ready for school. If at any time during the probationary period, it is found that the student’s status is not as represented, or if it is determined that the student’s needs cannot be adequately met, the student may be asked to withdraw from St. Patrick School. We will make every effort to assist the family in finding an appropriate placement for the student.
- Tuition and Fees